User authentication

To authenticate with Encord you must register a public key in the Encord platform. See our documentation here to learn how to do this.



Authentication must occur every time an SDK script is run.



Ensure your private key is not password protected. All private keys generated on the Encord platform as described in our documentation are not password protected by default.

After registering a public key, use the corresponding private key to authenticate your EncordUserClient. The following code sample needs to be included in all SDK interactions, and hence is included in all code snippets we provide in these tutorials.



We recommend using the file path to your private key, rather than the private key itself when authenticating.

# Import dependencies
from encord import EncordUserClient

# Authenticate with Encord using the path to your private key
user_client = EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(ssh_private_key_path="<private_key_path>")